Product Ordering Biz Api

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CR Market

POST /listener/productOrderStateChangeEvent
  • Mandatory fields are and event.productOrder.state
  • event.productOrder.description contains error message(list mentioned below) when event.productOrder.state=failed
  • Possible values of event.productOrder.state for our usecase are "inProgress","completed","failed","partial"
  • Unique id present in the Create product Order call response(order id) and callback request can be used to correlate the calls.

    ORDER CREATED BUT WITH ERRORS: (List of possible error messages)

    • many customer records
    • contract not found
    • contact not found
    • address not found
    • profile not found
    • product not found
    • price list not found
    • associated line not found
    • there is no client
GET /productOrder/{id}
  • query parameter category is mandatory to retrieve Product Order
POST /productOrder
  • Order id present in the response indicates that create product order call is not in failed state, and validaton errors should be corrected by Agent manually in siebel.
  • There will be no order retry processes, if order id is created and present in the response.
  • Callback API provides the state of Product Order.
  • System that creates the order must respect the values of the lists of values configured in the fields.

  • The order creation web service will only allow the creation of 1 order at a time.

  • If the creation of the header and line records is successful, 1 send attempt will be made. If it fails, an error code will bereturned, with its respective error message.
  • Product id, line number, relationships and Price id should be matching with siebel configuration as per the examples
  • Refer examples 1P_HFC_CR_B2C, 1P_FTTH_CR_B2C, 2P_HFC_CR_B2C, 2P_FTTH_CR_B2C, 3P_HFC_CR_B2C, 3P_FTTH_CR_B2C

  • Mandatory fields are:category(default value is "INSTALACION") (from post /agreement response), (from post /settlementAccount response),serviceAddress.addrNo (from post /customer response; characteristic.value where name="addressId ),requestedStartDate (from get /searchTimeSlot response),,,, (if relations are present), when(if role="Contact"/"Customer"/"Dispatch"),relatedParty.role

PATCH /productOrder/{id}
  • Update product order can be used for reschedule installation date usecase
  • Only 1 order update is allowed at a time.
  • The process will perform the update to FieldService(DLO) first. If there is a problem in this update, the error message will be answeredand the date will not be updated in Siebel.
  • Mandatory fields: category(default value is "INSTALACION") and requestedStartDate
  • Response is mapped from request payload
POST /cancelProductOrder
  • is mandatory to cancel product order
  • The process will perform the update to FieldService first. If there is a problem in this update, the error message will be answeredand the states in Siebel will not be changed.
  • Only 1 order cancellation is allowed at a time.
  • Response is mapped from request payload.
